Projekty a granty

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Databáze všech projektů a grantů od roku 2010

Osmoderma eremita species conversation in SCI Poodří
Id projektuLIFE17NAT/CZ/000463
Hlavní řešitelPhDr. Přemysl Mácha, Ph.D.
Období9/2018 - 9/2023
PoskytovatelKatedra biologie a ekologie, Program LIFE
AnotaceTo improve conservation status of hermit beetle (Osmoderma eremita*) in SCI Poodří The project limit or eliminate threatening factors for the species (see B2d). The project will have also positive impact on conservation status of other species, which are protected within SCI (Misgurnus fossilis, Bombina bombina) or have a special status of protection in national legislation (cavity-nesting birds, Microchiroptera species). Use of biomass from pollarded willows will help local community. Start of appropriate management and renewal of traditions (pollarding of willow trees, traditional varieties of pear trees cultivation) will improve relation of local citizens to region and increase attractiveness of region to tourists. Also other ecosystem services in project area will be strengthen.