Projekty a granty
Databáze všech projektů a grantů od roku 2010
New BIOtechnologiCaL approaches for biodegrading and promoting the environmEntal biotrAnsformation of syNthetic polymeric materials | |
Id projektu | 312100 |
Hlavní řešitel | prof. RNDr. Kateřina Malachová, CSc. |
Období | 9/2012 - 8/2015 |
Poskytovatel | Environmentální centrum ENC, Rámcové programy EU |
Stav | ukončený |
Anotace | In BIOCLEAN proposal, a step-wise RTD work plan is designed so to address the overall objective todevelop innovative, eco-efficient pilot-scale and/or field validated biotechnological approaches fordisposing and valorizing the growing amount of plastic wastes in landfills and/or in terrestrial and/oraquatic environments, thus contributing to improve the good environmental status of the aquaticenvironment with regard to marine litter.Such a final objective will be achieved throughout the obtainment of novel, robust naturally occurringplastic degrading microbes and enzymes then exploited in:a) innovative physical/chemical-assisted biotechnological processes (i.e., biotechnological processes fedwith material pretreated with chemical or physical agents) for the bioremediation (i.e., biodegradation anddetoxification) or valorization (i.e., fragmentation/depolymerization towards useful chemicals) of PE, PP,PS and PVC plastics;b) tailored bioaugmentation procedures for enhancing native biodegradation of plastic wastes anddebris in marine environments and terrestrial composting and waste treating facilities.BIOCLEAN RTD activities will be mainly focused on polymers and plastics based on PEs (i.e., HighDensity PE, HDPE; Low Density PE, LDPE; and Linear Low Density PE, LLDPE), PP, PSs (i.e., atactic PS,a-PS and Expanded PS, EPS) and PVC, as they are currently the fossil plastic materials mostly accumulatedin European landfills. The class of polyethers has not been taken into consideration because of theirrelatively low production volumes and their common use in combination with other polymers. Neither RTDactivities addressed to improve the plastic biodegradation potential of microbes obtained in the project (viamutation or genetic modification) nor the development of plastic-degrading genetically modifiedmicroorganisms have been planned in BIOCLEAN because of a) the specific request of the topic for the useof naturally occurring microorganisms, b) the la |